Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Addendum to Ca-BANNED

I'd like to add Theresa to the Ca-BANNED mix. Thanks.


Until further notice, anyone belonging to the following list of people will be denied entry to the cabana:

Hillary supporters (including Christine, Fisch's girlfriend and even Jen Klein, even though she broke the news on the impending Arrested Development movie)
Republicans (including Janet, Liron)
Undecideds (unless they are hitting on Kyoko, and are male, and are cute)

Monday, February 04, 2008

Cabana 2.0 - Even Worse at Blogging

Cabana 2.0 has been in effect for 6 months, and has finally started blogging.

Cabana 2.0 is worse at blogging, but better at keeping up with politics. GO OBAMA!

For your viewing pleasure, a screen shot from the Wikipedia entry on "crocodile tears." This entry is sure to change any minute now, but we thought it fitting to record this all-star moment in Wikipedia history. See the section under heading, "See Also":

Awesome. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

underwearless in the cabana

ok this didn't really happen, but theoretically it could have. right?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Pantsless in the Cabana

Kyoko Cabana and I are holding up the "working from home" torch... although around here it's called "working from the cabana." And today it's called "pantsless working from the cabana." We're running around having pillow fights, making out, receiving furniture deliveries in our underwear, y'know, the usual stuff girls do when the boys aren't home. Kyoko Cabana might even blog, for the first time ever. Yeah, we're having an awesome day, we're totally not just glued to our laptops doing work...

Friday, August 25, 2006

$20 and a Dream

Craigslist is very good to the cabana.
Official interior decorator Justin has procured yet another great piece for the cabana's family room with a lovely oriental rug.

Just a coffee table left to go until the cabana family room is completely furnished!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Welcome to the Cabana.

4 loosely-associated Ivy League tools embarked on a journey to find their dream cabana back in May 2006. Fighting through the obstacles of unscrupulous brokers and months spent combing craigslist, the 4 re-convened on various street corners, discovered Cherry Street, wrote out cashiers checks galore, slept with a broker’s assistant and more to finally end up where there are today: the proud tenants (plus 1 occupant) of the ultimate Manhattan apartment. Typical for this sort of yuppie, the roommates have somewhat reluctantly settled in Murray Hill (though technically Kips Bay, they will remind you, if you are willing to listen) in an attempt to maximize square footage, minimize rent and attempt to be downtown enough to claim coolness proximity without presuming hipster status.

Hope you enjoy peering through this online portal, akin to the 1.5 inch in diameter hole in our door. Come take a peek, hang out, enjoy the breeze and the view.

Welcome to the Cabana.